6 Quick and Easy Steps To Measure Creativity in Paid Campaigns To Increase Sales and Conversions

After investing in paid campaigns to bring your business to the top with no concrete results, you must be wondering if there is an actual, viable way to increase sales and conversions.

And, yes, there’s not one but many!

Studies have shown that 68% of successful marketing campaigns have seen increasing investment in paid advertising. But what if something there’s missing that doesn’t let you take off?

Is there a genuine solution that can accelerate your project’s growth?

Yes, there is! And it’s creativity.
That’s why in this article I will explain how to leverage and measure creativity in paid campaigns to boost your enterprise!

Creativity Effectiveness for Outstanding Paid Campaigns

Creativity is the engine that drives paid social, becoming the cornerstone of paid campaign performance and other marketing investments.

Therefore, metrics are your best allies to measure creative effectiveness.

Why? They allow you to measure your ads’ scope and help you understand sales and your brand’s potential.
The most creatively effective ads generate short-term sales while contributing to long-term brand equity.

Audacious Steps to Measure Creativity

There are some steps you can follow to assess campaign progress and consistently produce more creative initiatives.

If you want to develop successful paid campaigns, you must evaluate the effects of communications, identify the best creative work, drive important results, and continually improve your strategy.

To do so, Cannes Lions and WARC developed The Creative Effectiveness Ladder. It’s a tool with six levels of effectiveness, from least to most commercially impactful, that inspired these steps.

So you want to know how to do it? Let’s dive into each one to measure the creative effectiveness of your paid campaigns to increase conversions and sales!

Step 1: Identify an Influential Idea

measuring creativity in paid campaigns

Based on the ladder’s first level, you need to identify your paid campaign’s metrics. These are usually related to the impressions obtained and campaign recall.

The most creative campaigns derive from clever strategies that appeal to emotion, content, engagement, and sharing.

Those efforts usually result in over-achieving campaign metrics and media efficiency.

Is your paid campaign generating conversions and sales? Has your income increased?

If not, there’s something that needs more attention. So, let’s look at other ways besides metrics to measure creativity.

Step 2: Focus on Behavior Breakthrough

Another indicator you can use to measure your paid campaigns’ creativity is the development of the different forms of behavior relevant to your brand’s success.

You must try to change your customers’ buying behavior to create successful campaigns.

Therefore, you need creative strategies related to storytelling, responsibility, sustainability, and current trends.

You have many sites to promote campaigns, including Facebook, Google, and so on. Make the most out of them to make consumers direct their attention and actions to your brand.

Step 3: Increase Your Sales with Relevant Ads

The most creative paid campaigns have the power to generate temporary short-term growth in sales, profitability, and market share.

You can enhance your ad’s relevance to improve its quality level and reduce costs if you manage to capture your customers’ attention and make them click.

But how can you know if your campaign has gained relevance within the advertising platform ecosystem? It’s not rocket science!

Google AdWords, Facebook, and Twitter offer tools that allow you to obtain short-term metrics and define market share and return on investment.

Step 4: Improve the Fundamental Aspects of Your Brand

paid campaigns

As I mentioned, short-term sales precede long-term brand equity. So, it’s time to start leveraging creativity to improve the fundamental measures of your brand’s health.

In this phase, you must focus on metrics that show your brand’s attributes and customers’ purchase intention to create winning strategies!

Did you know that 70% of shoppers abandon their cart before paying? That does not mean that people don’t like what you offer, but they may not understand it or have been distracted.

Targeted marketing campaigns can make customers know and trust you. Go for it!

Step 5: Aim for Commercial Triumph

If your efforts to increase sales (step 3) turn into a prolonged success, you automatically go up to the maximum level of creativity effectiveness.

At this point, what you need to do is use that creativity to achieve a profitable increase in sales and market share for more than a quarter.

Marketers often appeal to user-generated excitement, content, and engagement with two impressively helpful bonuses: celebrities and music.

Consider metrics related to sales volume and value, ROI, and brand engagement to see if your campaign strategy has worked.

Step 6: Become an Enduring Icon

Think about staying relevant for years! The most creative and successful brands have focused on reaching this level, which considers long-term sales and growth, although it seems a bit difficult.

Social media platforms are perfect spaces to do it. And you know what? We have dozens of ways to use them to create impressive paid campaigns.

In this step, you should consider your brand image attributes and ditch the larger ad networks if necessary. Does your brand stand out from the competition and is it visible in the market?

Analyze its attributes and work on them. Maybe your customers are not on the big platforms but on the small ones that you constantly overlook.

Essential Tips for a More Successful Paid Campaign

paid campaigns in social media

Now that you know the steps to measuring creativity here are a few additional tips to help improve your paid campaigns.

  • Motion to add emotion: Use videos and animations to connect with your customers.
  • Brainstorming: Never push paid content without established strategies that are backed up by data.
  • Sequential messaging: Avoid boring messages in a single ad and use sequences to create excitement.
  • Build for each channel: Creativity is not reusable on social media. Make sure you are native to where you launch your paid campaign.
  • Always keep the user experience in mind: Visualize the purchase process and what customers would like to see. Think about what would compel them besides promotions.
  • Add value to your ad with positive reviews: If your brand, products, or services have a lot of reviews, add them to your strategy!

Keeping these tips in mind when developing your paid campaigns will help you capture your customers’ attention and increase conversions.

Go Beyond Investment and Stay Creative

As I have shown in this article, investments are important to get where we want to be, but what do you think happens with paid campaigns that lack creativity?

Here’s the bottom line…

You cannot increase sales or conversions with paid campaigns that do not attract customers, users, or clicks. So, go beyond investment and rely on your creative commitment for your brand’s success.

Which PPC tip did you find most helpful? Let me know in the comments below!


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