B2B Traffic Generation in 2021: The Top 16 (New) Tactics

What can you do to instantly increase your B2B traffic generation in 2021?

We all want to stay up to date with the best tactics for B2B traffic generation (and lead generation) as best practices constantly evolve.

BUT – there’s so much information out there, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

To help you out, I listed and detailed the 16 new steps to generate valuable B2B traffic. Keep reading to learn about the best practices in 2021 for B2B traffic generation.

I am willing to bet you’re not using at least one of these tactics that could be helping you to grow your web traffic right now.

Let’s jump right in.

I’ll start with one surprisingly easy way to tap into unused SEO potential: long-tail keywords.

1. SEO for Long Tail Keywords for Simple B2B Traffic Generation

In 2021, the way we need to target keywords is changing.

Business owners and decision-makers are always looking for specific solutions to their problems. So – Instead of writing broad keywords, business owners are now searching for longer queries in Google.

One way to target keywords that decision-makers may be searching for is to use long-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords are long, specific searches, often looking for answers to more complex questions about products or services.

An example of a long-tail keyword for “Invisalign” is “How long do you have to wear Invisalign?”.

This long-tail keyword gets 700 searches a month and ranks relatively easily due to low competition.

Targeting long-tail keywords is an easy way to start ranking for keywords with fewer searches but higher buying intent.

Take these two searches for instance:

“Do B12 vitamins work for weight loss?” and “B12 Vitamins”

Which search shows a greater intent to purchase?

That’s right, the long tail keyword is most likely being searched for by more qualified leads.

Long-tail keywords typically have fewer searches, generate higher quality leads, and have less competition. This makes long-tail keywords a great way for companies to target specific business niches on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Longtail Keywords for B2B traffic generation

Now let’s try it in a few simple steps:

  1. Go to ubersuggest.com to use Neil Patel’s keyword tool (it’s free – don’t worry!)
  2. Select “keyword ideas” in the sidebar and type in your broad keyword
  3. Then choose your long-tail keywords from the list! (4 or more words is ideal for long-tail keywords)

Pro tip: It’s a good idea to look for long-tail keywords that have a low SEO difficulty (SD) and high volume. This allows you to find the most-searched-for long-tail keywords that are easiest to rank for.

2. Blogging and Content Promotion for Targeted B2B Traffic Generation

Blog posting is a cornerstone of any organic strategy! Consistent blogging offers an outstanding way to organically generate traffic to your website.

By writing about content that your target audience cares about, you can attract similar audiences to your blog through organic search.

Typically, the more value you offer to your audience, the more traffic you will drive to your website. Of course, you will still want to employ quality SEO strategies for the best results.

Then, simply add a lead-generating call to action (CTA) to complete your post!

Pro tip: You can include a lead magnet such as a free eBook or whitepaper on your CTAs. You can also insert internal links to other content on your website that may be relevant to the audience you’re targeting.

Now, once you’ve written specific, useful content that is targeted at your audience, you’ll want to promote it on your social channels! Ideally, you’ve already written highly shareable content on your blog, so promoting it on social media should be a breeze!

Just summarize the key takeaway of your blog post and tell your audience why they should care. Don’t forget to include a good hook!

3. Quality Content Creation Can Help Increase B2B Lead Generation

Have you ever signed up for a free resource in exchange for your email address?

That’s a perfect example of using helpful content to obtain quality leads!

You can offer content such as case studies, guides, and checklists on social media and on your website to help capture leads. If you offer these additional relevant materials to the audience, they are more likely to engage with your content in the future.

B2B Traffic Generation Form

Additionally, adding resources such as case studies or white papers to your existing written content can boost your credibility and get you more leads from your existing web traffic.

The most important thing to keep in mind when creating content is to know your audience. If the content is not relevant, then people who come across your content will not be properly motivated to click on it or fill out a lead gen form.

4. B2B Traffic Generation by Offering Resource Tools (Business Owners LOVE THIS!)

If you offer a tool that’s aimed toward your target market, you will drive increased B2B traffic generation AND create brand loyalty.

Business professionals are very interested in free resources, of course, because it means they get to save money!

This is helpful because every time someone in the business uses your tool, they will be seeing your brand and using one of your products.

ROI Calculator Resource for B2B Lead Generation

For example, if you were selling marketing services (like we are known to do at Chatter Buzz), you may decide to offer a very basic keyword research tool to help businesses with their organic SEO and encourage them to learn more about inbound marketing.

This would be a great way to help keep a marketing agency top-of-mind!

5. LinkedIn Advertising using Contact or Company Targeting

As you may know, LinkedIn is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to B2B marketing, due to the wide range of targeting capabilities it offers.

There are two main reasons why LinkedIn is a cornerstone of many B2B marketing strategies.

1. LinkedIn is set in a BUSINESS CONTEXT! Business professionals won’t be caught off guard if you are selling business-related products or services, because that’s what they’re on LinkedIn for! LinkedIn’s purpose is to enhance and enrich the professional lives of business people.

2. You guessed it! LinkedIn offers a vast array of targeting capabilities when it comes to paid advertising. There are few options on other networks to target people based on the company they work at or their job description.

If you are able to use LinkedIn and it makes sense in the context of your business, then you should absolutely take advantage of everything LinkedIn offers right now.

6. Press Release and Distribution

A well-crafted press release is exciting and informative! The best press releases give other businesses legitimate industry updates that they can put into action moving forward.

Pro tip: A press release should also focus on how other companies can benefit from developments in your business.

Social media is a great outlet to use if you want to promote press releases. When audiences receive your message well, it becomes naturally shareable content, reducing distribution costs.

Since the content is highly shareable, you should also promote it using email marketing. Well-targeted niche audiences work best for emailing press releases since the content is likely not relevant to everyone on your list.

If you consistently deliver the news other companies want to read about, then you’re creating an engaged audience. They’ll be more receptive to future company content!

7. LinkedIn Sales Outreach

You can use LinkedIn to connect directly with other business professionals in the industries of your choice.

By encouraging employees and executives to reach out to other businesses through direct messages, you can form valuable connections and increase consideration.

IMPORTANT: Always establish guidelines for your employees when networking on LinkedIn so that your brand message can stay consistent.

Best practices for messaging leads on LinkedIn:

  1. Never be “salesy” – always ask permission.
  2. Use software to automate messages to a contact list on LinkedIn for the introduction message.
  3. Make the welcome message as natural and personal as possible.
  4. In the follow-up message, offer value- not your service.
  5. Offering a webinar or eBook is a good idea.

To save time, it’s usually a good idea to create a list based on the different companies/positions you want to target. Then you can create a sequence of messages to follow up with the contact if they respond.

8. Cold eMail Outreach

Although there may be a stigma around cold email outreach, cold emails can be a powerful tool for B2B traffic generation in 2021.

Cold email outreach can be welcome, but it’s ALL about the targeting.

As long as you are reaching your prospects with “non-salesy,” specific information that has real value to them, then cold email can be a vital part of your B2B strategy.

The process is similar to outreach on LinkedIn.

  1. Never be “salesy”, always ask permission.
  2. Make the message as natural and personal as possible.
  3. Offer value, not your service.
  4. Offering a webinar or eBook is a good idea.
  5. Videos perform well in certain industries if you are focusing on consideration.

If you’re looking for quality email marketing platforms, at Chatter Buzz we use and love Active Campaign for B2B and B2C alike. (Not a paid promotion, we just like the site)!

9. CRM Targeting for Precise B2B Lead Generation

Do you use a CRM in your business?

Congratulations! If you answered “yes,” then you have the data needed for high-quality, specifically targeted, B2B lead generation.

There are three main benefits of CRM targeting, so let’s dive right into them.

CRM targeting is highly personalized. This is because you have all the data about your customers already. When you retarget these leads based on quality data, they become HIGHLY QUALIFIED leads, thus increasing their likelihood of conversion.

You can narrow down your highest value prospects and target them specifically. You can save time and money by retargeting your best leads specifically.

Upsell your current customers. Based on CRM data, you can find services that might be appealing to existing customers and target them with those services across your digital channels.

10. Trade Shows and Conferences

Trade shows are an excellent way to increase brand awareness and generate leads at the same time. And they can be fun! Who doesn’t love to network with like-minded people?

There’s nothing groundbreaking about the idea of trade shows, however, it continues to be a highly effective lead generation tool in 2021.

Trade Shows for B2B Traffic Generation

Here are a few tips you can follow to make sure you are being efficient with your time and resources.

  1. Be where your customers are – Go to events that your target market will be attending.
  2. Curve the competition – This one is simple: Avoid trade shows where your competition outnumbers your audience.
  3. Be Flashy – You want to catch customers’ attention, so give them something to pay attention to. You can create engaging presentations and graphics to help. Other examples include:
  • Video demos
  • Free products
  • Interactive games

When you’re at these events, be sure to record the contact information of the leads who interact with you!

11. Webinars

As we’ve discussed previously, people are willing to exchange their contact information in exchange for FREE information of value.

A webinar is an easy way to generate excitement for an event, which causes people to be more likely to fill out your form.

Webinar for B2B Traffic Generation

To get employees from relevant companies involved in your webinar, contact organization leaders directly using LinkedIn and explain the value of your webinar. To generate leads through webinars, be sure that your webinar is well promoted using email and social media.

As long as your webinar content is relevant to your target audience and the event is promoted properly, it can be a very effective way to generate leads.

12. Ambassador or Referral Program

In 2021, public trust is running low. This means that more potential buyers today tend to hold off before committing to a purchase. Here’s how we increase B2B traffic generation using referral programs.

A knowledgeable and well-written referral could easily be the push that potential buyers need to convert on a B2B purchase this year.

Typically, referrals and reviews happen at random. A referral program on the other hand can turn customers into brand ambassadors, by offering an incentive for their referral.

Think about what drives your customers. What incentive will cause them to act?

Here are a few tips to help your referral program be a success:

  • Determine your most loyal customers. Then, reach out to them directly with a personal message when you launch your B2B referral program.
  • Make it easy to share. You could lose out on valuable opportunities to generate new leads if your referral program has too many steps.
  • Be clear. Clearly state what you’re asking for and what you want in return. Writing clear B2B referral program messages will increase the chance of customers becoming brand ambassadors.
  • Design a simple lead form. Include only the bare minimum number of fields you need to increase conversion.

13. Search Advertising (Google and Bing)

As always, in 2021 there is high competition in the B2B SEM space. SEM is still an effective way to drive traffic and generate B2B leads, but marketers are trying new campaign types to help them be more competitive.

Dynamic search ads are an effective tool for helping to reveal gaps in keyword coverage. This data can help to uncover keyword opportunities in 2021’s oversaturated space of B2B SEM.

With dynamic search ads, you can input multiple headlines and description variations. From there, Google’s AI will decide when to display what copy based on the user search query, time of day, and other factors.

This is a great tool B2B marketers can start taking advantage of right away in 2021.

14. Business Geofence Targeting

Need to target local businesses? Want to reach contacts in a location-specific niche? Geofence targeting is a great option for reaching customers based on location!

More precise targeting leads to more efficiency in your advertising.

Geofencing for B2B Traffic and Lead Generation

Businesses can generate more leads in any channel by using Geofencing to make their ads more relevant to their prospects based on location.

15. Competitor Keyword and Website Targeting

When you Google “FP Restoration,” the first result is an ad for a competitor called “Nationwide Restoration.” This is an example of competitor keyword targeting.

Bidding on your competitor’s keywords is a good way to generate traffic from new audiences that may be interested in your company’s products/services, but haven’t necessarily heard of your brand before.

Pro tip: Always check out all of your locations on Google, and see if any competitors are bidding on your ads. If you have the budget to do so, it is good practice to bid on your own brand name in order to discourage competitors from bidding on your name. This also helps to ensure that you always appear as the first result in SERPs for your own brand name.

16. Email Marketing

Email marketing can be used in 2021 to offer valuable industry updates & increase B2B traffic generation.

Just remember: It is important that you send relevant information that people want to read about.

Here are some quick tips to create a lead generating B2B email:

Include your company name and logo in the email header. Write your email with a single goal in mind. Think – “What is the one thing a reader should take away from my email?” Have a single CTA in your email.

Your email should not place messaging in your graphics or images, as some email services block images by default.

If you utilize these tips in 2021, email marketing can be a powerful tool for B2B lead generation.

Start Driving Quality Traffic for B2B Lead Generation in 2021

These are some of the top tactics we’re using as marketers for B2B lead generation in 2021.

We know these B2B tactics work because we regularly use them at Chatter Buzz to generate leads!

Additionally, we have plenty of information on B2B marketing if you’re interested in learning more.

But we want to know YOUR take. What tactics are you using to generate quality B2B leads?

Leave a comment below, and let’s discuss!



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