8 Steps for Creating Powerful Inbound Marketing Content

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is your business in need of some inbound marketing love, but you don’t know where to start? Here are 8 simple steps for creating powerful inbound marketing content for your business.

1)      Content is King

The purpose of an inbound marketing campaign is to entice your readers to find you, learn about the services you offer, and purchase from you.  In order for these steps to take place, you must provide informative, helpful content.  If your content doesn’t provide value to your readers, you just wasted their time and yours, and they may not visit your page in the future.

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2)      Track Everything

You want to know who is visiting your website, how long they’re staying, and what pages they’re visiting. Are you getting more traffic from paid or organic searches?  Once you have this information, you can tailor your content to meet your visitors’ needs in a more targeted way.  Use Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, and Bing Analytics to help with website and keyword tracking.


3)      Go to Where Your Target Market Is

Do your research and make sure you have a presence wherever your target audience spends time.  If you’re trying to sell to business-minded professionals, make sure you’re on Linkedin.  If you’re trying to reach teenagers, give Snapchat a try.  If you’re completely lost about how to start using Snapchat, read the Adweek article showcasing Taco Bell and Karmaloop’s strategies.  Be creative and engaging, but do so in a way that your audience will appreciate.


4)      Don’t Be Overly “Sales-y”

While you want your followers to know about your products and/or services, you don’t want to overwhelm them with a sales pitch in every posting or blog entry.  Remember these people are visiting your page because they like you or what you have to say. Sure, you can mention your products on occasion, but make it more about providing helpful or entertaining information.


5)      Be Responsive

Inbound marketing provides you with the opportunity to engage directly with your followers.  They can comment on your blog, like your Facebook page, or retweet your tweets.  Acknowledge your followers and be responsive, because Orlando social media is allowing you to develop relationships that you need to nurture.  Take care of your people and they’ll take care of you.

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6)      Don’t Reinvent the SEO Wheel

When you’re doing your research, find trends that have resonated with your audience.  What keywords are they searching for?  What are your competitors doing with their Meta descriptions and title tags?  Feel free to gain insights from your competitors, but always create original content.


7)      Try Multiple Platforms

There is no step-by-step guide that’s going to work for everyone.   You have to be willing to experiment with different platforms and different ideas.  You can write blogs or white papers, create videos and tutorials, record podcasts or any number of other options. Inbound marketing can be extremely cost-effective, so be willing to take a risk.  It’s mostly going to cost you time, but the rewards can be substantial for your bottom line.


8)      Call to Action

At the end of the day, you want people to see or read your content, so don’t be afraid to ask your followers to share.   If they found it helpful, perhaps someone in their networks will as well.  If you want to promote a free e-book, ask the reader to download it.  Who knows, your content may go viral just because you asked a few people to share.

These are just a few tips to get you started with Inbound Marketing.  If you would like to learn more about improving your Orlando Inbound Marketing strategy, give us a call at 321.236.BUZZ or visit our Orlando Digital Marketing Website.

B. 5Tips

Victoria Wallace

Victoria is a writer, editor and the Content Manager. She loves blogging and just contributing amazing content online that can help people. She believes it can all happen one post at a time.

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